Success Stories

66th Street

The reconstruction of 66th Street has been completed. Residents will notice that deteriorating pavement has been replaced, raised medians have been added, and accessible curb ramps are now available at intersections. Streetscaping and improvements to bus stop waiting areas help add to travelers’ experience.

Take a look at the new improvements!

New! “Cycle track” bicycle lanes are installed on 66th Street  will separate the bike lanes from the street and sidewalk.

Mill and Overlay

The purpose of the mill and overlay project was to preserve the base lift of the asphalt roads by implementing an accelerated mill and overlay program because Richfield roads are 20 years past their expected life.

With the completion of the project, the City has milled and overlaid 85 miles of road.

Portland Avenue

During 2015–16, the City of Richfield implemented a wide-reaching improvement project on Portland Avenue. Deteriorating sidewalks and aging underground utilities were updated. Bike lane markings were added to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. The corridor project included enhanced aesthetics (including sidewalk poetry), landscaping, median placement, improved transit facilities, and traffic calming measures. This project spanned from 67th Street all the way to the 494 corridor. Learn more here.

Bicycle Routes

The City of Richfield is pleased to announce the addition of over 2.5 miles of planned bicycle routes north of 66th Street and west of 1-35W.

Learn more

After an area of town has had its mill and overlay, we will stripe the planned bicycle routes for that area.

West Richfield Stormwater Improvement

This project was begun to improve flooding problems at Newton Avenue/66th Street and Logan Avenue/67th Street. The completed improvements increase usable space in the park, protect residents from flooding through buffers and better drainage, and eliminates operational costs. Check out our project page for more information.