What's New?

Do you love walking? Have you taken a stroll down the newly complete Lyndale Avenue or 66th Street? Walkers and pedestrians will find much to love about the new street designs! Wide sidewalks and multi-use paths separated from motorized traffic by green boulevards are ready for all to enjoy!

If you walk along Nicollet, you may have noticed the permanent pedestrian ramp improvements at 71st, 72nd, and 73rd Streets! These improvements are a result of a temporary crosswalk study conducted along Nicollet Avenue in 2017. The temp crosswalks crosswalks were designed to help make drivers and pedestrians aware of safe crossings and to educate our community on best safety practices while crossing a street. The crosswalks were part of a temporary demonstration project made possible by funds received from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Center for Prevention. Here is what we learned from the project:

  • Cars did not yield as hoped and intended
  • Crossing increased 83% at Nicollet Avenue and 71st Street
  • Motorists took most notice of the delineators


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  • A. The median—a safe space for pedestrians to wait, limiting their exposure in the street
  • B. Highly visible crosswalk markings
  • C. ADA accessible curb ramps
  • D. Clear signage—alerts drivers while they are still a safe distance from the crosswalk

There are a number of practices that will enhance your safety while you’re walking.

  • Always look carefully before you cross
  • Make eye contact with the driver of a vehicle before you begin crossing the street
  • Clearly show your intention to cross
  • Remove headphones and stay off of your phone while crossing the street
  • Obey all traffic signals
  • Cross streets at the corner, not mid-block
Walking the Roundabouts

To increase safety for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, the City of Richfield and Hennepin County installed traffic-slowing roundabouts in the busy intersections of 66th Street/Lyndale Avenue and 66th Street/Nicollet Avenue. These circular designs work by helping traffic to flow seamlessly in one direction. Traffic slows but doesn’t come to a standstill, so the potential for bottlenecks and serious accidents is greatly reduced.

For many pedestrians, roundabouts are a new experience, but the usual common sense guidelines apply. Check for approaching traffic, just as you would if you were crossing a typical street. Wait until there is a gap in traffic—or until all approaching traffic yields to you—and cross to the median island (the area at the center of the roundabout). The island gives you a safe spot to wait before again checking for traffic and crossing to the other side of the roundabout.

Learn more about Richfield roundabouts

Pedestrian Education: RRFB’s

Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFBs) installed at crosswalks increase safety for everyone by alerting bicyclists, drivers, and pedestrians to be aware of one another’s presence. When you see them, use extra caution and care.

How to use RRFB as a pedestrian:

  •  Push the button
  •  Look left for cars to yield
  •  Cross to median
  •  Look right for cars to yield

To see images and learn more about RRFBs, visit the Federal Highway Administration’s website.

Pedestrian Master Plan

The Richfield Pedestrian Master Plan has been developed as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan process. The Pedestrian Master Plan documents the current process used by Public Works on transportation projects to create safer, more convenient and enjoyable places to walk in the City of Richfield.  The process set forth in the Pedestrian Master Plan will be used to guide future pedestrian infrastructure development. The Pedestrian Master Plan was approved by the Richfield City Council at the November 13th 2018 regular City Council Meeting. Click the link below to read the Richfield Pedestrian Master Plan.

Richfield Pedestrian Master Plan

Richfield Pedestrian Master Plan Executive Summary